Friday, May 29, 2009

Yo Mama

I insulted a kid's mom today, a one-girl yo mama off, like throwing verbal punches at a cardboard door---picture a door with perverted poster pin-ups that make you want to look the other way

The dirty minded guy with a crude comment stuck by his side like a shadow turns up empty handed as I open fire with my open mouth in position, my tongue burning with possible disses

My competitive school will never know just how mean insults can get, murky swamp green, factory smoke gray insults, so gray the fog blinds, masks the possible well mannered pink dress proper posture girl so cleverly hidden under layers of skin

I try to avoid embracing that side, but guys expect a girl to be that perfect, a goddess in tight miniskirts, yet with the smile of an innocent child

Looking nice is important, yet perfection is life-or-death

You diss people, you become the ugly bitch tossed in the heap of throw-away dirty girls

The one treated like garbage, viewed as the street dog, so dirty you can't tell she's female

Yet when the suburban in badass clothing is dissed with one of my freshest yo-mama's, I get my class to erupt in laughter---a class of 8, subtract half, and three energized kids are left in the room, cracking up at pathetic insults aimed towards his mother

I'm just getting started---

"Speaking of dresses, yo mama's so fat that when she wears a black dress she looks like outer space"

"When she wears a yellow dress, people think she's a giant twinkie!"

"If it's a blue dress and she walks down the street, people think it's a tidal wave!"

I just keep going until the teacher casually enters

the kid is dumbstuck---Picture me sitting behind his sorry back, stifling a bright golden grin

He still can't believe the quiet girl has verbal weapons of mass destruction hidden beneath her smiling face

oh, speaking of faces, yo mama's face is so ugly...

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